Get started with Vulmix


Before getting started with Vulmix, you need to make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js >= 16
  • A package manager - NPM or Yarn
  • A code editor of your choice
  • A terminal of your choice

Vulmix still doesn't support PNPM.


To scaffold a new Vulmix project, you can use the create-vulmix-app CLI tool:

npx create-vulmix-app your-app-name

Once the install is complete, get into your project folder and install Vulmix dependencies:

cd your-app-name
# With NPM
npm install

# Or with Yarn
yarn install

Running the project

Run the project locally by going into the project directory and then running the dev command:

# With NPM
npm run dev

# Or with Yarn
yarn dev

This should serve your project on an automatically picked port of localhost (default is 3000) with HMR enabled.


Then you should see the following page on your browser:


Now you can start building your application right away in the app.vue file by replacing the <VulmixWelcome /> component with your own content.

Preparing for production

To compile an optimized build, you need to run the prod command:

# With NPM
npm run prod

# Or with Yarn
yarn prod

This will minify and optimize your project code in the _dist folder which you can deploy its contents on any static host.

If you are hosting your project on Vercel, it will automatically generate a production build.

Testing your production build locally

If you want to test your project after running the prod command, you can run the serve command to raise a server on the 8000 port:

# With NPM
npm run serve

# Or with Yarn
yarn serve

Then you can open you project at localhost:8000.

Your assets will be served with Gzip compression.